TVHC Improvements Version 1.1a December 1993 Far Niente Productions Introduction Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß This package is intended to make your TVHC work much more pleasant. It makes it easy to edit your help texts in the IDE and get nice pin-pointing error reports in the message window for easy error tracking. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, USE THIS PACKAGE ON YOUR OWN RISK. This is intended for Borland Pascal, but if you port it to BC++ I'd like a copy. I hope that you will find this package useful. Package Contents Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß This package contains a TVHC message filter and an improved TVHC which is better at reporting the actual line number that caused an error or warning. TVHC2MSG.PAS Borland IDE message filter TVHC.PAS Improved TVHC, better error reports README.TXT This file Instructions Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Compile TVHC2MSG and the modified TVHC included in this package, put the resulting EXEs somewhere in your path, add a TVHC tool under Options³Tools if you haven't already done so and add this to the tool's command line: $SAVE ALL $CAP MSG(TVHC2MSG) $NOSWAP (Tip: You can copy the text and paste it into the input line) You also have to add the name of your help file to the above, the TVToys TVHC Tool command line looks like this: $SAVE ALL $CAP MSG(TVHC2MSG) $NOSWAP helptest helptest helpctx I always use $SAVE ALL which saves all editor files, but you might prefer $SAVE CUR which only saves the current editor. You can use TVHC2MSG with the original TVHC, but you won't get very good error line references. You also have to define ForceExtension, see TVHC2MSG.PAS TVHC Bugs Fixed Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Reports the .TXT file name in error messages rather than the .HLP file. If there is an error opening or creating a file, the file name in question is now printed correctly. TVHC Improvements Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Reports the actual line numbers of all lines containing unresolved help references. Originally TVHC attributed any such errors to the last line of the file. Reports both actual line numbers for redefined help topics rather than the last line of the second help topic. (The "actual" line refers to the line where the offending item actually resides) Tip Ü ßßßßßßßß You might want to review your Options³Environment³Preferences options: [X] Close on go to source Pressing Ctrl+Enter in the message window closes the message window [X] Auto track source Moving the highlight bar in the message window highlights the corresponding source line immediately. Author Ü ßßßßßßßßßßß Bug reports, enhancements, contributions and postcards are always welcome! My internet address: You can reach me from CompuServe by sending mail to: Mail: Peter Brandstr”m (Peter Brandstrom) Roslagsgatan 10 S-113 55 Stockholm Sweden, Europe